Author Archives: joshre

Pinhole fisheye of someone sitting at a forecast console

Creating a Functional Space for Volunteer Technicians

When redesigning your control room space, there are several critical factors to consider. Whether your control room is primarily operated by volunteer technicians or a mix of experienced professionals and newcomers, optimizing the space to meet their unique needs is essential. Let’s break down five key considerations that will help…

What are standard operating procedures and how do they apply to the church world?

What Are Standard Operating Procedures for Church Teams?

Let's Talk Standard Operating Procedures for Church Teams If you’re a member or leader of a church production team, worship team, kids ministry, the cafe, or really wherever… it’s important to have standard operating procedures (SOPs) in place. SOPs help to ensure that your team is working smoothly and efficiently.…

Building Leaders: 3 Things to Remember

Building Leaders: 3 Things To Remember When Raising Others Up  One of my passions is raising up young leaders, helping them to find not only their vocational gifts but their God-given gifts in ministry as well. I’ve had the honor to help bring up many young leaders in and out…

The Three Tech Personalities

One of many lessons I’ve learned working at a church – specifically in the tech production role – is that you will work with people more than you will work with equipment. While we use equipment and technology, its purpose is to make people better, which interprets into working and…