July 29, 2022

Follow Topics To Tailor Your Notifications

You’ve probably noticed that we’ve been releasing a lot more videos, in line with our commitment to deliver helpful new training every single week. While we love getting to tell you about everything new in MxU every Friday, we know that more specific notifications about things that apply to you and your team are just as helpful, too. Whether it’s your specific console or the next concept you want to level up in, you want to know as soon as we release anything new covering it. It’s for these (and other) reasons that you can now follow topics in MxU!

Following a topic turns notifications on for any new videos we add that cover that topic — the same way the YouTube notification bell works. You can follow individual hosts like Daniel Connell, specific gear or concepts, or brands like d&b.

Learn more here, or look for the notification bell buttons across MxU!