Live Video Switching

video Inputs vs Bus Map

Inputs vs Bus Map

What is the difference between inputs and sources on my switcher panel? Rusty and Jeremy talk about why it’s important to understand the difference between switcher inputs and the bus map. How can I change the bus map to suit how I want to operate the switcher?

video Switcher Layout

Switcher Layout

Jeremy and Rusty talk about how to layout your switcher to maximize your workflow and discuss common switcher components like transition, keyer, stripe and ME.

video What is an ME (Mixed Effects) engine?

What is an ME (Mixed Effects) engine?

What does ME stand for and why does it exist? Why do I need an ME in my switcher and how do I control it? Join Rusty and Jeremy as they build an example of an ME workflow and how to control an ME.

video Bus Map Tips

Bus Map Tips

What are some common practices when it comes to how the switcher should be laid out and bus maps? What should I be thinking about when I start building my bus maps? How do I create a bank space in my bus map? Where should black be on my bus map? Rusty and Jeremy discuss these topics in this video.

video Inputs and Outputs on Video Switchers

Inputs and Outputs on Video Switchers

Join Rusty and Jeremy as they dive deep into what inputs and outputs of a video switcher are. Learn about what internal sources and physical external inputs are. What does it mean to have various MEs reinserted internal and on my program bus map? What are the outputs of a switcher and what’s important to think about when we setup the outputs of the switcher?

video What are Auxes on Video Switchers?

What are Auxes on Video Switchers?

What are Auxes? How do I use them? Why do I need to use them? Learn the answers to all of these questions in this video!