Relationship Building

video Retaining Volunteers

Retaining Volunteers

Dillan and Jeff explore the essential elements of fostering a vibrant volunteer culture within your church. The critical aspect that most churches are missing is retention. Their discussion delves into the importance of showing genuine appreciation and care for volunteers. They also discuss establishing a foundation for long-term engagement and involvement in your church.

video Recruiting Volunteers

Recruiting Volunteers

There’s typically three main parts to any volunteer’s journey. Those three parts are the recruiting, the training, and the retaining. Dillan and Jeff dive into effective volunteer recruitment and offer a fresh perspective on building a vibrant volunteer team.

video Training Volunteers

Training Volunteers

Dillan & Jeff discuss effective strategies for training volunteers. Their discussion sheds light on the challenges of maintaining skills, while also caring for your team. They also take a look at practical solutions for team cohesion, especially with volunteers who serve infrequently.

video Volunteer Development Course Overview

Volunteer Development Course Overview

Dillan Howell and Jeff Sandstrom talk through equipping you as a church leader, whether staff or volunteer, with the necessary knowledge to cultivate a thriving volunteer culture in your church community. Explore the essential elements of volunteer development which include recruiting, training, and retaining your volunteer teams. Dillan and Jeff offer practical strategies, personal insights, and actionable steps to enhance the volunteer experience at your church.

video Prepared Leadership Course Overview

Prepared Leadership Course Overview

Jeff Sandstrom and Dillan Howell dive into what it looks like for you to develop a prepared leadership style. They focus on the many aspects of effective leadership and explore the essential skills needed for you to lead in a spiritually enriching and impactful manner. This includes having the ability to balance tasks with people, and to nurture a healthy team culture. This course is tailored to address the unique challenges you face as a church leader, and to help you communicate the ‘why’ behind what we do.

video The Church’s Money Is Not Your Money

The Church’s Money Is Not Your Money

The money that God has blessed your church with is not your money.