Author Archives: joshre

Perspective for a Successful Tech

You’ve heard the famous story of the tortoise and the hare. What an epic race of speed versus slow and steady. In the end, the slow and steady wins the race over the hurry. That story often reminds me of our perspective with tech production, especially in the church world.…

Woe Is Me: Fighting The Poverty Mentality in Production

There probably isn’t a technical director anywhere in the country who has everything they want. All of us, in one way or another, want something more. More money. More gear. More time. More people. Regardless of the size of the congregation, I’m sure that nearly all of us have been…

A Healthy Heart

The Bible is very clear that the heart is the key to living a healthy life. Proverbs 4:23 (NIV) says to guard the heart, because “everything you do flows from it.” In the NLT, the same verse says that how we guard the heart “determines the course of your life.”…

Leaving A Legacy

Heal the sick. Raise the dead. Train disciples. All three were things that Jesus did as critical parts of His earthly ministry. And whether you realize it or not, all three are things that you and I have the power to do, too. Heal the sick and raise the dead.…

10 Things You Need to Say “Yes!” to Right Now

We’ve all heard that tech people have the reputation of saying, “No!” all the time, right? Well, I think that’s an unfair stereotype. I think most of the people responsible for technology are the ones who end up saying, “Yes!” more often than not. We say, “yes,” to almost everything…

Getting Your “Non-Tech” Team Up to Speed

Getting Your “Non-Tech” Team Up To Speed Most church tech teams are full of volunteers. That’s no secret. Whether you’re a small church, a large church, or even a mega-church, your Sunday morning tech team is usually filled with volunteers. Since most of those volunteers don’t have the extensive technical…