The MxU Podcast

  • #016 – Breakfast With Stan

    Breakfast with Stan Endicott, founder of Slingshot Group. Easily our favorite guest to date. So much so, we're gonna keep up this "Breakfast With Stan" series throughout the year. Enjoy this first installment of a candid convo with our dear friend, Sta
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  • #015 – Phil Bledsoe

    Phil is the FOH engineer for Sam Hunt. He's mixed for bands like Skillet, Tree 63, and Mathew West. But, the biggest reason we had him on is that he is a big reason Lee is doing what he's doing today. Along with some great road stories we also talk abo
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  • #014 – The Gattaca Bath

    Big changes, broadcast mixing, bleeping complaints, a counter argument to spending your church's money, summer vacations, and new MxU Live events announced. Also, ya know those other conferences we're always talking crap about?
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