Church Production

Healthy teams take time and require proactive leadership every step of the way. Executing weekend experiences while reducing burnout and volunteer turnover isn’t simple.

Production: Impossible

My wife and I are huge fans of the television show Restaurant: Impossible. Each week, muscle-bound chef Robert Irvine visits a different failing restaurant across the country. With a limited budget and less than two days to work, he and his construction and design team completely overhaul everything in the…

3 Things People Assume About Tech Leaders

Sometimes tech people get a bad rap. We are behind the scenes, stealth-like servants who really just want to do the best job we can with what has been given to us. But we are also usually introverted and don’t like conflict, so we avoid it until our backs are…

Rebuilding a Sunken Ship

In the church tech world, even missing one cue like forgetting to unmute the pastor’s mic can be a disastrous mistake. The behind-the-scenes stealth workers know as tech artists have a very high expectation every weekend. To be perfect is the normal. When every cue is right, every piece of…

Three Tenets for Production Survival

Spending the better part of my like serving others through music and show production has given me the opportunity to develop three basic credos I use frequently. It may surprise you that none of these are technical in nature. I’ve always been a firm believer that my brain power is…

Balancing the Boundary

When I started working in the entertainment business it wasn’t long before I was getting all kinds of crazy opportunities to travel, see the world, and learn to develop production skills from some of the best people on the planet. All that time I never gave a second thought to…

Go Therefore

One thing I have been wrestling with this year is something so simple and so basic to the Christian world, yet it’s been so hard for me to grasp until now. It’s the Great Commission. Jesus told us in Matthew 28:18-20 “…Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” I…